for Swami Atmachaithanya’s organisations around the world

United Kingdom
Contact: Kamal
Tel: 020 8699 6980
Email: kamal.cys@gmail.com
Atmachaithanya Charitable Trust (UK)
23 Parbury Road
London SE23 1NZ
United Kingdom
Donations for Swami’s Humanitarian work can be transferred into the Atmachaithanya Charitable Trust (UK), registered charity no. 1135546.
Please email Kamal if you are making a donation, so that we can consider whether we can reclaim tax through Gift Aid.

Contact: Lavanya
Email: lavanyaneliath@gmail.com
Details of Swami’s ashrams in India can be found here.
Swami stays the first four days of each month in the ashram near Bangalore/Karnataka when in India.

Belgium & The Netherlands
Contact: Paul
Tel: +31 62 2742488
Email: info@shantimadom.eu
Looiershof 14
6211 MC Maastricht
The Netherlands
Donations for Swami’s Humanitarian work can be transferred into the Stichting Shanti Madom.